Phosphate Feed System Upgrade

Skills Used: AutoCAD, P&ID, Communication, Collaboration, Mechanical Design, Project Management, Problem Solving Project Dates: Summer 2019 Additional Documentation Available: No, CAD models and P&ID diagrams stayed with NV Energy Project Description: I was tasked with taking over a project to upgrade the Phosphate Feed system for Unit 4/5 (also called “Pinion” from the Pinion Pine …

Power Plant Piping Inspection

Skills Used: Project Management, Maintenance and Repair, Mechanical Design Project Dates: Summer 2019 Additional Documentation Available: No, report stayed with NV Energy Project Description: During my time with NV Energy, I was tasked with doing a plant-wide piping and support inspection. Most everyone that worked there had been there a long time and thought a …

Brayton Cycle Analysis

Skills Used: MATLAB, Data Analysis, Thermodynamics Project Dates: Spring Semester 2021 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, full report Project Description: This was my portion of an extra-credit assignment in Thermodynamics. I looked at the real world efficiency of several gas turbines compared to the theoretical values. More specifically, I looked at the efficiency of a GE6FA, …

ENGR100 Hovercraft

Skills Used: Data Analysis, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Programming, Troubleshooting, Product Design, Mechanical Design Project Dates: Spring Semester 2018 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, reports and calculations Project Description: My very first engineering class presented teams with a task of designing and building a Hovercraft that could autonomously navigate a black line using a LEGO Mindstorms controller. …

PID Controller

Skills Used: Data Analysis, MATLAB, Problem Solving, Systems Engineering Project Dates: Fall Semester 2020 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, full report Project Description: This was an extra-credit assignment for my Instrumentation class. The purpose was to investigate the performance of a PI controller, which was pre-supplied in the form of programming for the computer software we …

GPU Thermal Analysis and Testing

Skills Used: SOLIDWORKS, Thermal Analysis, Data Analysis, Teamwork, Heat Transfer Project Dates: Fall Semester 2021 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, report, pictures, CAD models and video Project Description: This was a team project in Intermediate Heat Transfer (ME 414). We were tasked with evaluating different cooling configurations for a TESLA compute unit. These are powerful graphics …

Capstone Bike Support Clamp

Skills Used: Teamwork, SOLIDWORKS, Mechanical Design, Product Design, 3D Printing, Prototyping, Data Analysis, GD&T, Problem Solving, Project Management, Finite Element Analysis Project Dates: Fall Semester 2021 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, full report and DHF Project Description: My Capstone team decided on a project to design and build a bike “clamp” that could be used to …

Jeep JT Grill Guard

Skills Used: SOLIDWORKS, Mechanical Design, Problem Solving, Welding, Fabrication, 3D Printing Project Dates: June 2022 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, CAD models Project Description: I wanted to add a grill guard to the front of my Jeep but did not want to spend the money on a pre-made one. I set out to use a pre-bent …

FJ40 Rock Sliders

Skills Used: SOLIDWORKS, Finite Element Analysis, Problem Solving Project Dates: 2021-Present Additional Documentation Available: Yes, CAD models Project Description: I wanted to build “Rock Sliders” for my FJ40. These are meant to provide protection to the outer lower body when driving over large rocks and must be able to take hard impacts. The challenge here …

FJ40 Secondary A/C Brackets

Skills Used: SOLIDWORKS, 3D Printing, Prototyping, Mechanical Design Project Dates: 2021 Additional Documentation Available: Yes, physical product and CAD models Project Description: I was installing air lockers on my FJ40 and needed an on-board air compressor to make them work. In addition, it is nice to be able to inflate tires and run air tools …