PID Controller

Skills Used: Data Analysis, MATLAB, Problem Solving, Systems Engineering

Project Dates: Fall Semester 2020

Additional Documentation Available: Yes, full report

Long-term stable after new logic and PID tuning

Project Description:

This was an extra-credit assignment for my Instrumentation class. The purpose was to investigate the performance of a PI controller, which was pre-supplied in the form of programming for the computer software we were using to monitor and control the lab. The setup was a beaker of water with a large heating element, which would be controlled via PWM.

Project Results:

The investigation showed a severe oscillation that would start about 30min into the testing, and there were no good PI setting values that I could find to satisfactorily eliminate them while also maintaining an accurate temperature. So, I modeled the system in MATLAB, and used collected data from the test to develop a transfer function for the system, then used MATLAB’s PID tuner to solve for that TF to get a relatively fast, accurate, and stable response from the system. This meant I had to re-program the software to follow how a PID controller typically works so I could plug in the values found in MATLAB. The result was a fantastic response that had no oscillations.